1.1 - Design House 99 - Step 1
1.1.4 - Draw the interior walls
The arrangement of exterior and interior walls of the floor plan is like the one you see in (Fig.
You will follow the dimensions that you see in this sketch, to design the interior walls of the floor plan, using for your help axis.
Fig. - house 99 - exterior - interior walls with axis
You will start drawing the walls (AB), (BD) and (EF).
Now you have to do some work on the layers. Create two new layers, one with the Name: A-Axis, Color: Cyan, and Linetype DASHDOT, and make it Current, and another with Name: A-Interior-Wall, Color: Green, and Linetype Continiouss.
To do this:
- Click Home tab ►Layers panel ►click Layer Properties icon ►select icon New Layer ►for the Name type A-Axis , for Color select Cyan, for linetype select DASHDOT. set it Current and press ENTER. (Fig
- Click Home tab ►Layers panel ►click Layer Properties icon ►select icon New Layer ►for the Name type A-Wall-Inter , for Color select Green, for linetype select Continuous and press ENTER. (Fig
- Click Home tab ►Layers panel ►click Layer Properties icon ►select icon New Layer ►for the Name type A-Wall-Inter , for Color select Green, for linetype select Continuous and press ENTER. (Fig
Fig. - Create new Layers
Draw the Axis through (ha) and (hg):
- Using the Line tool on ribbon, draw two Axis (line with layer A-Axis), one that passes along the line (ha) and one on the line (hg) (Fig.
To do this: - With the layer A-Axis set as current, click Home tab ► Draw panel ►select Line icon (hover on)
, and draw a dashdot line extended beyond points (h), (a) and (h), (g) as shown in Fig.
- Make Offset the Axis (ha), define as distance 4.300, (it is the sum of the individual distances 0.300 + 4.000 = 4.300, - it means 4 meters and 30 centimeters -, as you can notice on Fig.1.5.10), and select a point near the line (AB) to set the side to be executed offset.
- Make Offset the Construct line (hg), define as distance 3.650, (it is the sum of the individual distances 0.300 + 3.350 =3.650), and select a point near the line (BD) to set the side to be executed offset.
Draw the lines (AB), (BD) and (EF): - With the layer A-Wall-Inter set as current, click Home tab ► Draw panel ►select Line icon.
- With the Line tool selected, draw the line (AB) and (BD) in the direction from A to B, and from B to point D.
- At the command prompt : LINE Specify first point : select point A,
- At the command prompt : LINE Specify first point : select point B,
- At the command prompt : LINE Specify first point : select point D, and press ENTER.
Lines (AB) and (BD) have been designed.
With the Line tool selected, draw the line (EF) and (BD) and from E to point F : - At the command prompt : LINE Specify first point : select point E,
- At the command prompt : LINE Specify first point : select point F, and press ENTER.
Lines (EF) have been designed.
Fig. - Draw the Interior Walls - A
OFFSET lines (AB), (BD), and (EF) to create the interior walls as shown in Fig. To do this :
- On Ribbon, click Home tab ►Modify panel ►click Offset icon (hover on)
, or type Offset and press ENTER.
- on the Command prompt: Offset Specify offset distance or: type 0.15 and press ENTER, where 0.15 m is the offset distance.
- on the Command prompt: Offset Select object for offset : select line (AB).
- on the Command prompt: Offset Specify point on side to : select any point at the right side of (AB).
- on the Command prompt: Offset Select object for offset : select line (BD).
- on the Command prompt: Offset Specify point on side to : select any point at the uper side of (BD).
- on the Command prompt: Offset Select object for offset : select line (EF).
- on the Command prompt: Offset Specify point on side to : select any point at the uper side of (EF) and press ENTER.
The result is shown in Fig. (without text).
Fig. - Draw the Interior Walls - B
Fillet lines (AB) and (BD), to do this:
- On Ribbon, click Home tab ►Modify panel ►click Fillet icon (hover on)
, or type Fillet and press ENTER.
- Select the offset of line (AB), and then the offset line of (BD), the result is as shown in Fig.
Fig. - Draw the Interior Walls - Fillet Lines
Now you will draw the walls (HC), (IJ) and (FG), as shown in Fig.
Draw the Axis through (HC), (IJ) and (FG):
- Using the Line tool on ribbon, you will draw two Axis (line with layer A-Axis), one that passes along the line (HC), one on the line (IJ) and one on the line (FG), as shown in Fig. To do this:
- To draw axis (HC), make Offset the existing Axis (AB), define as distance 3.750, (it is the sum of the individual distances 0.150 + 3.600 = 3.750, - it means 3 meters and 75 centimeters -, as you can notice on Fig., and select a point near the line (HC) to set the side to be executed offset.
- To draw axis (IJ), make Offset the existing Axis (AB), define as distance 1.350, (it is the distance between walls (AB) and (IJ), and select a point near the line (IJ) to set the side to be executed offset.
- To draw axis (FG), make Offset the existing Axis (AB), define as distance 6.200, (it is the sum of the individual distances 1.350 + 0.150 + 4.700 = 6.200, - it means 6 meters and 20 centimeters -, as you can notice on Fig., and select a point near the line (IJ) to set the side to be executed offset.
Draw the lines (HC), (IJ) and (FG): - With the layer A-Wall-Inter set as current, click Home tab ► Draw panel ►select Line icon.
- With the Line tool selected, draw the line (HC), (IJ), and (BD) as shown in Fig.
- At the command prompt : LINE Specify first point : select point C,
- At the command prompt : LINE Specify first point : select point H, and press ENTER.
- At the command prompt : LINE Specify first point : select point I,
- At the command prompt : LINE Specify first point : select point J, and press ENTER.
- At the command prompt : LINE Specify first point : select point F,
- At the command prompt : LINE Specify first point : select point G, and press ENTER.
The lines (CH), (IJ), and (FG) have been designed (Fig.
Fig. - Draw the Interior Walls
OFFSET lines (HC), (IJ), and (FG) to create the interior walls as shown in Fig. To do this :
- On Ribbon, click Home tab ►Modify panel ►click Offset icon
, or type Offset and press ENTER.
- on the Command prompt: Offset Specify offset distance or: type 0.15 and press ENTER, where 0.15 m is the offset distance.
- on the Command prompt: Offset Select object for offset : select line (HC).
- on the Command prompt: Offset Specify point on side to : select any point at the right side of (HC).
- on the Command prompt: Offset Select object for offset : select line (IJ).
- on the Command prompt: Offset Specify point on side to : select any point at the uper side of (IJ).
- on the Command prompt: Offset Select object for offset : select line (FG).
- on the Command prompt: Offset Specify point on side to : select any point at the uper side of (FG) and press ENTER.
The result is as shown in Fig. (without text).
Fig. - House 99 - The Interior Walls
Save this drawing file under the name house99_walls, in the folder step1 you have created. The full path of the folder is: ../myProject/house99/step1/house99_walls.dwg.