1.1 - Design House 99 - Step 1
1.1.5 - Create the Openings
In this chapter you will create the openings on the walls of your project house99, as shown in Fig., where in the next step you will place doors and windows.
Fig. - The Openings for Doors and Windows
Create the openings of the doors
Create the openings fοr the doors D1, D2, D3, D4 D5 and D6 as shown in Fig.
Fig. - Create the Doors
To do this :
Open in AutoCAD the drawing file house99_walls155.dwg (that you created in lesson 1.1.4) as shown in Fig.
Fig. - The Exterior and Interior Walls
Define the one side of the doors using the Axis.
- Make Offset the Axis line (AB), define as distance 0.35, and select a point to the right-side of the line (AB) to set the side to be executed offset, and press ENTER.
- Make Offset the Axix line (HC), define as distance 0.85, and select a point to the right-side of the line (HC) to set the side to be executed offset, and press ENTER.
- Make Offset the Axis line (BD), define as distance 0.10, and select a point downward of the line (BD, to set the side to be executed offset, and press ENTER.
- Make Offset the Axis line (GF), define as distance 0.10, and select a point to the left-side of the line (GF) to set the side to be executed offset, and press ENTER.
- Make Offset the Axis line (JI), define as distance 0.30, and select a point to the left-side of the line (JI) to set the side to be executed offset, and press ENTER.
Draw the line (1, 2) that is the left side of door (D1) as shown in Fig. To do this:
- On Ribbon ► on layer settings tab, click the arrow icon (hover on)
to open the drop-down layer menu, and set the layer A-Wall-Inter as Current.
- Click Home tab ►Draw panel ►select Line icon (hover on)
- At the command prompt : Start point or [ ] : select point (1),
- At the command prompt : End point or [ ] : select point (2), and press ENTER. Line (1, 2) has been designed.
Draw the line (3, 4) that is the right side of door (D1) as shown in Fig.
To do this:
- Click Home tab ►Modify panel ►select the Offset icon (hover on)
- Make Offset the line (1, 2), define as distance 0.90 (it is the width of the door opening), and select a point to the right-side of the line (1, 2) to set the side to be executed offset, and press ENTER.
Now you are going to trim the lines (1, 3) and (2, 4), using as cutting edge the lines (1, 2) and (3, 4). - Click Home tab ►Draw panel ►select the Trim icon (hover on)
- CommandLine prompt says: TRIM Select object or <select all>: Using the mouse select line (1, 2) and (2, 4) as Cutting edge, and press ENTER.
- CommandLine prompt says: Select object to trim or shift-select to extend or : Select lines (1, 3) and (2, 4), it is the lines that you want to trim, and press ENTER.
- Remember two things to avoid mistakes: Pick the cutting edge first, and do not forget to press Enter before picking the line to be chopped.
Fig. - Create the Openings of Doors
With similar process, using Line, Offset and the Trim tools, create the openings for the doors D2, D3, D4, D5 and D6, according the position and dimensions shown in Fig.
Notice that you have to change the layer to 'A-Wall-Exter' on the lines on both sides of door D6, they are on exterior wall and the color is 'magenta'.
The result is as shown in Fig., (without text and dimensions)..
Fig. - The Openings of Doors
Save this drawing file under the name house99_openingsDoors, in the folder step1 you have created. The full path of the folder is: ../myProjects/house99/step1/house99_openingsDoors.dwg
Create the openings for windows
Create the openings for the windows W1, W2, W3, W4, W5, W6, W7 and W8, as shown in Fig. To do this :
Fig. - Create the Openings of Doors
Define the sides of the windows W1, W2, W3, using the Axis (ha) and the Offset tool.
- Make Offset the Axis line (ha), define as distance 1.800, and select a point to the right-side of the line (ha) to set the side to be executed offset, and press ENTER.
- Make Offset the Axix line (ha), define as distance 3.600 (it is the sum of the individual distances 1.800 + 1.800 = 3.600, - it means 3 meters and 60 centimeters -, as you can notice on Fig., and select a point to the right-side of the line (ha) to set the side to be executed offset, and press ENTER.
- Make Offset the Axis line (ha), define as distance 5.550, (it is the sum of the individual distances 3.600 + 1.950 = 5.550), and select a point to the right-side of the line (ha), to set the side to be executed offset, and press ENTER.
- Make Offset the Axis line (ha), define as distance 6.950, (it is the sum of the individual distances 5.550 + 1.400 = 6.950), and select a point to the right-side of the line (ha), to set the side to be executed offset, and press ENTER. You defined thr right side of window W2.
- Make Offset the Axis line (ha), define as distance 9.700, (it is the sum of the individual distances 6.950 + 2.750 = 9.700), and select a point to the right-side of the line (ha), to set the side to be executed offset, and press ENTER. You defined thr left side of window W3.
- Make Offset the Axis line (ha), define as distance 11.700, (it is the sum of the individual distances 9.700 + 1.400 = 11.700), and select a point to the right-side of the line (ha), to set the side to be executed offset, and press ENTER. You defined the right side of window W3.
Draw the line (1, 2) that is the left side of door (D1) as shown in Fig. To do this:
- Set the layer A-Wall-Exter as Current.
- Click Home tab ►Draw panel ►select Line icon
- At the command prompt : Start point or [ ] : select point (1),
- At the command prompt : End point or [ ] : select point (2), and press ENTER. Line (1, 2) has been designed.
- Line (1, 2) has been drawn.
Now create the line (3, 4) that is the right side of door (D1), as shown in Fig., using Offset tool.
To do this:
- Click Home tab ►Modify panel ►select the Offset icon
- Make Offset the line (1, 2), define as distance 0.90 (it is the width of the door opening), and select a point to the right-side of the line (1, 2) to set the side to be executed offset, and press ENTER.
Now you are going to trim the lines (1, 3) and (2, 4), using as cutting edge the lines (1, 2) and (3, 4).
- Click Home tab ►Draw panel ►select Trim icon
- CommandLine prompt says:TRIM Select object or <select all>: Using the mouse select line (1, 2) and (2, 4) as Cutting edge, and press ENTER.
- CommandLine prompt says:Select object to trim or shift-select to extend or : Select lines (1, 3) and (2, 4), it is the lines that you want to trim, and press ENTER.
- Remember two things to avoid mistakes: Pick the cutting edge first, and do not forget to press Enter before picking the line to be chopped.
Fig. - Create the Openings of Windows
With similar process, using Line, Offset and the Trim tools, create the openings for the doors W2, W3, W4, W5, W6, W7 and W8, according the position and dimensions shown in Fig.
The result is as shown in Fig., without the notes. In next step you will add dimensions and text within your drawing.
Save this drawing file under the name house99_openings, in the folder step1 you have created. The full path of the folder is: ../myProject/house99/step1/house99_openings.dwg.