1.1 - Design House 99 - Step 1
1.1.2 - Draw the Floor Plan Outline
Now that the basic file is set up, you will start to design the layout of the floorplan for your project house99, as shown in Fig. (In this step you will not set dimensions and text).
You could draw the outline (abcdefgha) line by line, but that is not too efficient. The best approach is to draw a polyline of given dimension , as shown in Fig. This polyline is the outline of the floor plan you design.
Now you have to do some work on the layers. Create a new layer, with Name: A-House-Outline, Color: red, and make it current.
To do this:
- Click Home tab ►Layers panel ►click Layer Properties icon (Fig. ►right-click ►New Layer ►for the Name type A-House-Outline , for Color select red, make it Current,and press ENTER. (Fig
After that the Layer Properties will be as shown in Fig.
Fig. - Create New Layer
To draw the polyline (abcdefgha), as shown in Fig. :
Fig. - Ribbon - Draw Polyline
- Click Home tab Draw panel > click Polyline (Fig
Fig. - Draw the FloorPlan Outline
- Specify on the screen the first point (a) of the polyline.
- To do this, pick a point on the screen similar to point a, as shown in Fig., or for more accuracy, at the Command prompt (Fig. PLINE Specify start point : type 5.00,5.00 to insert the coordinates of the point a, and define the first point a of the polyline.
- Specify the point(b), that is the endpoint of the first straight line segment (ab).
- To do this, on the Command prompt: Specify next point: type @6.600<0 and press ENTER, where 6.600 m is the distance (ab) and 00 is the horizontal angle of the line (ab), to define the second point (b) of the polyline.
- Specify the endpoint (c) of the second straight line (bc).
- To do this, on the Command prompt: Specify next point or: type @4.000<-90 , where 4.000 m is the distance (bc) and -900 is the horizontal angle of the line (bc) , to define the third point (c) of the polyline.
- Specify the endpoint (d) of the third straight line (cd).
- To do this, on the Command prompt: Specify next point or: type @4.200<0 , where 4.200 m is the distance (ef) and 00 is the horizontal angle of the line (cd), to define the fourth point (d) of the polyline.
- Specify the endpoint (e) of the fourth straight line (de).
- To do this, on the Command prompt: Specify next point or: type @4.000<90 , where 4.000 m is the distance (de) and 900 is the horizontal angle of the line (de), to define the fifth point (e) of the polyline (see fig.1.1).
- Specify the endpoint (f) of the fifth straight line (ef).
- To do this, on the Command prompt: Specify next point or: type @1.900<0 , where 1.900 m is the distance (ef) and 00 is the horizontal angle of the line (ef), to define the sixfth point (f) of the polyline (see fig.1.1).
- Specify the endpoint (g) of the fifth straight line (fg).
- To do this, on the Command prompt: Specify next point or: type @6.500<0 , where 6.500 m is the distance (ha) and 900 is the horizontal angle of the line (fg), to define the sixfth point (g) of the polyline (see fig.1.1).
- Specify the endpoint (h) of the fifth straight line (gh).
- To do this, on the Command prompt: Specify next point or: type @12.700<0 , where 12.700 m is the distance (ab) and 00 is the horizontal angle of the line (gh), to define the sixfth point (h) of the polyline (see fig.1.1).
- Close the polyline, drawing the lastsegment (ha).
- To do this, on the Command prompt: Specify next point or: type C , to close the polyline (see fig. The segment (bc), will be drawn to complete the polyline (abcdefgh) as shown in Fig. (without text and dimensions).
Fig. - Command Prompt - Close Polyline
Save this drawing file under the name house99_outline, in the folder step1 you have created. The full path of the folder is: ../myProject/house99/step1/house99_outline.dwg.