1.3.5 - Draw a Polyline - Basic

A Polyline consist of two or more connected segments, created as a simple object.
These segments can be straight lines, arcs or a combination of the two.
Width can be assigned to a polyline, unlike regular line segments. After you create polylines, you can edit it using grips or PEDIT. You can use the EXPLODE command to convert a polyline to it's individual line and arc segments.
Before to start drawing the polylines in tis tutorial, turn ON the dynamic input button (hover on to see) acad icon dynamicInput 2925 , at the Application Status bar.

On autoCAD you can access the rectangle command on the ribbon, to do this:

On Ribbon acad home 43245Home tab ►Draw panel ►select icon Rectangle acad icon rectangle 28 (Fig.
You can also just type rectangle, press Enter and follow the instruction at Command Prompt.
In your examples, you will use the ribbon tools.

acad_ribbon_polyline_360240_p12Fig. – Draw Lines using the Ribbon

Draw a polyline with straight line segments

To draw a polyline, as shown in Fig.

  • Click Home tab ►Draw panel ►click Polyline (Fig.
  • Specify on the screen the first point of the polyline.
  • To do this pick a point on the screen near to point P1, as shown in fig., or for more accuracy type on the Command prompt: 5,5 to insert the coordinates (X, Υ) of the first point P1, and define the first point of the polyline.

acad_polyline1a_640360_p12Fig. – Draw Lines using the Dynamic Input

  • Specify the point P2, that is the endpoint of the first straight line segment P1P2 ,
  • to do this on the Command prompt: Specify next point: pick a point on the screen near to point P2, or for more accuracy, on the Command prompt: Specify first point: type @5<30, where 5 m is the distance P1P2 and 300 is the horizontal angle of the line P1P2.
  • Specify the endpoint of the second straight line (P2P3),
  • to do this on the Command prompt: Specify next point: pick a point on the screen near to point P3, or for more accuracy on the Command prompt: Specify next point or: type @7.50<60 , where 7.50 m is the distance P2P3 and 600 is the horizontal angle of the line P2P3 , to define the third point P3 of the polyline.
  • Specify the endpoint of the third straight line (P3P4),
  • to do this pick a point on the screen near to point P4, or for more accuracy on the Command prompt: Specify next point or: type @10<0 , where 10 m is the distance P3P4 and 00 is the horizontal angle of the line P3P4 , to define the fourth point P4 of the polyline.
  • Specify the endpoint of the fourth straight line (P4P5),
    • to do this pick a point on the screen near to point P5, as shown in fig.0.0 , or for more accuracy on the Command prompt: Specify next point or: type @7<45 , where 7 m is the distance P4P5 and 450 is the horizontal angle of the line P4P5 , to define the fifth point P5 of the polyline (see Fig.
    • Continue specifying segment endpoints as needed
    • Press Enter to end or press c to close the polyline

    ► If you want to start a new polyline at the endpoint of the last polyline drawn, start the PLINE command and at the Command prompt Specify Start Point: press ENTER.

    Draw a polyline with straight line and arc segments

    Draw a polyline, as the one you see in Fig.

    • Click Home tab ►Draw panel ►click Polyline (Fig.
    • Specify on the screen the point P1, that is the first point of the polyline,
      • To do this pick a point on the screen near to point P1,as shown in Fig., or for more accuracy type on the Command prompt: type 10,10 (are the coordinates of the first point P1), and define the first point of the polyline.
    • Specify the point P2, that is the next point of the first straight line P1P2 ,
      • to do this pick a point on the screen near to point P2, or for more accuracy, on the Command prompt: Specify first point: type @5<90 , where 5 m is the distance P1P2 and 900 is the horizontal angle of the line P1P2.
    • To draw the Arc P2P3, switch to Arc mode ,
    • to do this on the Command prompt: Specify next point or: type a (which means Arc), and pick a point on the screen near to point P3, or for more accuracy, on the Command prompt: Specify first point: type: @4<45 where 4 m is the length of the chord P2P3 and 450 is the horizontal angle of the direction of the chord P2P3, to define the third point P3 of the polyline.
    • To draw the point P4 of the line P3P4, switch to Line mode ,
      • to do this on the Command prompt: Specify next point or: type L (which means Line), and pick a point on the screen near to point P4, or for more accuracy, on the Command prompt: Specify first point: type @2<90, where 2 m is the length P3P4 and 900 is the horizontal angle of the line P3P4, to define the fourth point P4 of the polyline.
    • To draw the Arc P4P5, switch again to Arc mode.
      • to do this at the Command prompt: Specify next point or: type a (which means Arc) and pick a point on the screen near to point P5, or for more accuracy, on the Command prompt: Specify next point or: type @6<0, where 6 m is the length of the chord P4P5 and 00 is the horizontal direction of the P4P5, to define the point P5 of the polyline.

    acad_polyline_lineArc_640337_p12Fig. – Draw a polyline with straight line and arc segments

    • To draw the line P5P6, switch to Line mode ,
      • to do this on the Command prompt: Specify next point or: type L (which means Line), and pick a point on the screen near to point P6, or for more accuracy, on the Command prompt: Specify first point: type @7.50<0 , where 7.50 mm is the length P5P6 and 00 is the horizontal angle of the line P5P6 , to define the point P6 of the polyline.
    • To draw the Arc P6P7, switch again to Arc mode.
      • to do this at the Command prompt: Specify next point or: type a (which means Arc) and pick a point on the screen near to point P7, or for more accuracy, on the Command prompt: Specify next point or: type @4<45, where 4 m is the length of the chord P6P7 and 450 is the horizontal direction of the P6P7, to define the point P7 of the polyline.
    • To draw the point P8 of the line P7P8, switch to Line mode ,
      • to do this on the Command prompt: Specify next point or: type L (which means Line), and pick a point on the screen near to point P8, or for more accuracy, on the Command prompt: Specify first point: type @3<0, where 3 mm is the length P7P8 and 00 is the horizontal angle of the line P7P8, to define the point P8 of the polyline.
    • Specify the endpoint P9 of the polyline,
      • to do this pick a point on the screen near to point P9, as shown in Fig. , or for more accuracy on the Command prompt: Specify next point or: type @4<90 , where 4 m is the length P8P9 and 900 is the horizontal angle of the line P8P9 , to define the point P9 of the polyline (see Fig.
    • Press Enter to end or enter c to close the polyline

    ► If you want to start a new polyline at the endpoint of the last polyline drawn, start the PLINE command and on the Comand prompt Specify Start Point: press ENTER.

    acad_polyline2_640360_p12Fig. – Polyline with straight line and arc segments