acad_icon_trim_artImg_44_p12 1.4.5 - Trim Objects

When an object intersects with another object, you can remove its unwanted portion by using the Trim tool. To trim an object, you need to first invoke the Trim tool, and then select the cutting edge (intersecting object) and the portion to be removed.
If there are multiple intersection points in a drawing, you can simply select the 'select all' option from the command line; all the objects in the drawing objects will act as ‘cutting edges’

Begin the Trim command via Toolbar icon.

  • On Ribbon acad_home_43245 ► Click Home tab►Modify panel ►click Trim acad icon trim 38 icon (Fig. .

acad ribbon drawCircle ddMenu> 570428 Fig. - Ribbon - Trim tool

To trim the line (P1P2P3), as shown in Fig., from point P2 to point P3, using as Cutting edge the line (AB) :

  • CommandLine prompt says:TRIM Select object or <select all>: Using the mouse select line (AB) as Cutting edge, and press ENTER.
  • CommandLine prompt says:Select object to trim or shift-select to extend or : Pick anywhere into line (P2P3), it is the part of the line (P1P2P3) that you want to trim.
  • Remember two things to avoid mistakes: Pick the cutting edge first, and do not forget to press Enter before picking the line to be chopped.

acad ribbon drawCircle ddMenu> 570428 Fig. - Trim a Line

acad ribbon drawCircle ddMenu> 570428 Fig. - Trimmed Line

You have trimed the part (P2P3) of the line (P1P2P3), using as cutting edge line (AB), as shown in Fig.

You can repeat this as many times as you wish. When you are done, click Enter or Esc. acad icon trim artImg 44 p12