2.4.3 - Assign Properties to Layers

- Assign color to Layers

  • To change the properties of a Layer, click on the Layer panel the icon acad icon layerProperties 3239 to open the Layer Properties Manager panel acad ribbon layerProperties 300150. On the Layer Properties Manager, when you click Color, Linetype, Lineweight, or Plot Style, a dialog box is displayed.
  • Click the Color icon in the new layer listing to display a dialog box (Fig. in which you can assign a color to the new layer. You will find the Color icon under the Color column; it currently shows white as its value. Select the Red color from the dialog box and press OK. Notice that the color of the layer 'A-Walls' changed to red (Fig.

acad_ribbon_layerPropManager_720240_p12 Fig. - Layer Properties Manager - Assign Color

acad_ribbon_layerPropManager_720240_p12 Fig. - Layer Properties Manager - New Color

Assign Linetypes to Layers

Linetypes are the different lines that come with AutoCAD. Just as in hand drafting, where you create Continuous, Dashed, Dash dot, Hidden, Fantom, and other line types to show different objects, in AutoCAD you load the lines and use them as necessary. By default when you create a new layer the Linetype is set to 'Continuous'.

You will use the Layers Properties Manager palette to change the default linetype 'Continuous' assigned to Layer 'A-Walls'.

To change the Linetype of the Layer:

    1. Click Home tab ➤ Layers panel ➤ click on Layer Properties icon , to open the Layer Properties Manager panel.
    1. In the Layer Properties Manager, select the default line type Continuous of the Layer 'A-Walls' you want to change.

acad_ribbon_layerPropManager_720240_p12 Fig. - Layers Properties Manager - Change Linetype

    1. In the Select Linetype dialog box, which will open, if the Linetype you need is not displayed, click Load (Fig.

acad_ribbon_layerPropManager_720240_p12 Fig. - Layers - Load Linetypes

    1. In the Load or Reload dialog box that will open (Fig., select one or more linetypes to load. For your example select the linetypes 'ISO dash' and 'ISO dash dot' and click OK to return to the Select Linetype dialog box.

acad_ribbon_layerPropManager_720240_p12 Fig. - Layers Properties Manager - Load Linetype

    1. In the Layer Properties Manager, you will notice that the Linetype of layer A-Walls has change to 'ACAD_ISO 10W100 (is the linetype with description 'ISO dash dot' you just selected before) (Fig.
      From now, if you draw a line using the layer A-Walls, the line will be a 'dash dot' line.

acad_ribbon_layerPropManager_720240_p12Fig. - Layers Properties Manager - Changed Linetype

  1. Click on close (X) icon at the upper left corner of the Layer Properties Manager, to dismiss it.